Main database maintenance

Scheduled Maintenance Report for Schoox Inc


Scheduled maintenance has been completed and all systems work as intended, are up and operation.

If you notice any inconsistencies or face any difficulties, feel free to contact our support department at
Posted Aug 03, 2023 - 15:02 UTC


Maintenance has been extended by 3 hours.
Please standby for updates.
Posted Aug 03, 2023 - 10:57 UTC

In progress

Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Aug 03, 2023 - 06:59 UTC


We would like to inform you that our team will be performing a scheduled maintenance on our backbone database systems on Thursday 2023-08-03 at 12:00 UTC+3.
This means that some features and operations on our platform will perform with delay or will be temporarily unavailable.

We will provide further updates as necessary.
Posted Aug 02, 2023 - 14:12 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Web App and API.